Aug 1, 2019
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The Great American Trucking Show Drives Truckers to Success

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The Great American Trucking Show is the biggest event of the year, and it is almost time to go to the show. If you have never been, you are missing out. If you have been before I am sure you are heading to downtown Dallas on August 22-24, 2019 for the trucking extravaganza. 

The Show Venue

Let us talk a little bit about the events for the show this year. The show this year has three main pavilions:

  • Landstar Health and Wellness Pavilion
  • New Truck Pavilion
  • Recruiting Pavilion

They are pulling out all the stop this year with the first time New Truck Pavilion. The trucks they have announced that will be at the show so far are:

  • 2020 Volvo VNL760
  • 2020 Volvo VNL 860
  • 2020 Mack Anthem AN64T70
  • 2020 Kenworth W990
  • 2020 Freightliner Cascadia

These are part of the more than 150 trucks that will be on hand in the showcase for you see. In addition to the pavilions, there will be over 50,000 products featured with over 500 exhibitors. Get a look at the newest trucks on the market and all their amenities. Then take a look at new products that will help you in your job.

Trucking Show Education and Pride and Polish Showcase

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The ever-coveted Pride and Polish beauty championship is also a must-see at the show. The immaculately polished trucks that are customized from bumper to bumper will be on display at the show. If you happen to have, a tricked-out truck make sure to register and compete in the show. We want to see your big rig!

There will be a host of specific trucking education sessions that should not be missed. A few of the highlighted session titles are:

  • You are a pain in the rear, or is it the neck?
  • Taxation Solutions
  • Landstar Scavenger Hunt
  • Keep Truckin
  • Engineered with a Purpose

The education seminars provide practical instruction on best business practices to help you succeed in your job as you keep moving down the highways of America. 

The Owner-Operator Drivers Association will be launching a new training series to help drivers succeed. The class is free to the public, and you do not have to be a part of the Owner-Operator Drivers Association to attend. 

Free Health Screenings

Healthy drivers are essential to keep America moving. The Great American Truck show will provide drivers health check-ups from a variety of providers. 

Some of the health screenings include:

  • Kidney Screening from the National Kidney Foundation
  • Discounted DOT Physicals by Accuscreen
  • Vision and Blood Pressure Screenings by Rolling Strong and Walmart
  • Mammograms by Methodist Dallas Medical Center
  • Chiropractic Services by Advanced HouseCall Chiropractic

These are just a few of the services that will be available. Do not miss out on the free health services. 

Life-Changing Opportunities

An essential part of the show is found in the Jobs Pavilion. There are going to be representatives from over 100 fleets looking for drivers like you. You can have a face to face discussion about programs, benefits, and progressing in your career. This is a great opportunity because you can ask questions and gain insight regarding jobs and fleets that you would not usually be able to ask in an online application.

Even if you are not currently looking to change jobs. Do not miss the Jobs Pavilion because you never know when you might want to join a new fleet and take advantage of a unique career opportunity. This is the perfect time to find a job now or network for the future.

Mingle with Celebrities

The Red Eye Radio will have plenty of well-known country music artists and celebrities on hand for you to meet and greet. This year Taylor Hicks, Olivia Ooms, Jayne Denham, Tony Justice, and Bill Weaver are a few of the celebrities that will be on hand. For all of the Overdrive-Red Eye Radio followers the Trucker Talent Search finalists Jason Henley, Ken Freeman, and Taylor Barker will also be around the show. Live music and daily performances are a highlight of the Great American Trucking Show. Come to the show and join in on the fun!

Free Registration and Free Parking

Register now online for free registration. If you wait to register at the door, it will be $10. It is easy to register, so do not wait. You can go online today and reserve your spot at the Great American Trucking Show.

Take a little reprieve from the road and come to the show. If you want free parking, you can park in the Truck Parking Community at the Fair Park located at 3013 South Haskell Avenue, Dallas, Texas. There is going to be live music in the community and lots of fun. You won’t have to drive to the show you can take the shuttle from the community to the show convention center.This year The Great American Trucking Show is going to be better than ever. The venue, the educational workshops, Polish and Pride competition, free health check-ups, life-changing job opportunities, and the entertainment is going to be incredible! Truck driving is not like many other professions. Drivers live their job driving their trucks day in and day out. Take three days out of driving from August 22-24, 2019 to be at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. Take a break from America’s highways to attend the 2019 Great American Trucking Show and keep your driving career on the road to financial security and success!

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Driver's Lifestyle
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