Mar 1, 2022
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Recruiting Women in Trucking

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Recruitment Efforts Improve for Women in Trucking

As driver shortages continue to be an industry concern, it’s important to look into new recruiting efforts. One method to do this is to encourage women to join the transportation industry. Women in trucking represent 10% of U.S. drivers, which is a big increase over past years.

Steps can be taken to increase this number though. To recruit more women, it’s necessary to understand the challenges they face in the industry, and what can be done to advertise to this demographic.

Challenges Faced by Women in the Trucking Industry

Women face the same health challenges shared by all drivers, including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. They also face issues men in the industry don’t have to deal with, especially family concerns.

Women are more family-focused than men, and driver schedules make it difficult to juggle all the domestic responsibilities that generally fall to them. Women in trucking are more likely than men to need flexibility in their schedules to deal with issues such as sick children.

Women also deal with more discrimination and harassment within the industry. While this has improved over the years, it is still a big enough concern that women are often cautioned about this issue when completing CDL programs. In fact, one study found that 60% of women in the industry reported being treated with less respect than male coworkers.

While men are 20% more likely to be in a crash than women, women face unique safety concerns that should be addressed. Parking is one such instance where women are in more danger than men, and steps are required to help protect them from the dangers that can arise.

Another issue that comes up for women is getting over the mentality of trucking as a man only occupation. Without steps to advertise for women, it’s hard for them to see themselves in the role of a driver.

Combating Barriers for Women

Many organizations and companies are working together to combat some of these issues that act as barriers to women in trucking jobs. More trucking companies are making efforts to listen to the unique needs of their women drivers.

Companies willing to ask their women drivers for feedback are more likely to make changes that will help such as incentive programs or providing uniforms that appeal to women. Some of the changes needed are simple things they might not think of on their own but make a big difference in recruiting women.

Organizations like Women in Trucking are also making efforts to combat barriers. One such effort is their new driver ambassador program that provide driver simulations so women can see for themselves what is involved with driving a CMV (Commercial Motor Vehicle).

These organizations also encourage companies to include women in their recruitment material so women can better see themselves filling these roles. They are sharing stories from women who have been successful in the industry during recruitment efforts to encourage women to pursue driving positions.

Driver shortages make it easier for drivers to find the right fit for their needs, meaning women and men have better opportunities available for them. The most important thing is to find a company that is a good fit for you.

Take Advantage of Opportunities

With so many resources being put towards recruitment methods, it is a good time for anyone who has considered the trucking industry to get involved. There are plenty of jobs looking to be filled. Companies and organizations are working together to make the industry better for everyone.

If you want to see the job opportunities available, check out the free job postings on Better Truck Driving

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Driver Business · Driver's Lifestyle
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