Truck driving can be rewarding for many. Without truck drivers, many companies such as Amazon would not be able to enjoy the dominance that they enjoy today. However, behind the scenes, truck driving can be a very tedious job. Despite the starting salary of approximately $68,000 a year, this comes at the mental cost of driving long distances for many hours.
But, being a truck driver does not have to be uncomfortable as stressful as he may be sometimes. Here are some ways where your life on the road can be made more comfortable.
Truck Driver Life: Sleep!
First and foremost, if you are going to be on the road for many consecutive hours while traveling long distances, you are going to want to get adequate sleep. This means you are going to need an adequate energy supply. This entails having a good night’s sleep. It is recommended that you get at least 6-8 hours worth. However, it is not just getting a good night’s sleep from the night before. At the end of the day, you are still going to be on the road for many hours.
You are going to have to stop the vehicle at certain points and take a nap to give your body time to recharge. It is unreasonable to expect you will be functioning at optimal efficiency going the entire day without resting. Do your body and your sanity a favor, and do not overwork it all at once.
Truck Driver Life: Own Your Own Truck
Truck drivers are widely thought of as responsible employees, but the experience of truck driving can drastically change depending on who owns the truck. If you are the one that owns your own truck, you may have a different approach in terms of maintaining it and cleaning it as opposed to driving an employer’s truck. If you own your own truck, you do not have to answer to anyone else and you can do whatever you please with it.
The more important question is whether or not you should purchase a truck that is new or used. New trucks will provide you with far greater durability, and your long journeys will go without a hitch. If you are driving a used truck, it may still get the job done, but you will have to make more frequent stops to maintain it and bring it for repairs. If you own it, be sure it is properly taken care of. However, you will have much more freedom if you have your own truck.
Truck Driver Life: Limit or Stop Energy Drink Usage
If there is one thing that many truck drivers can be associated with, it’s Red Bull. While energy drinks are intended to give you a caffeine boost to remain awake, excessive use can have great drawbacks.
Primarily, there has been research to suggest that extended use of energy drinks can cause you to lose concentration for extended periods of time. The temptation to overdrink exists, but you should limit yourself to no more than 2 cans a day.
While they are called energy drinks, excessively drinking can produce the opposite effect and wear you down.
Truck Driver Life: Remain Healthy
Being a truck driver is a stamina game, and it is likely to wear you down more if you are not in shape. If you want to enjoy a journey that can easily last you 11 hours, you will have to be healthy. While shifts can last long, you should find some time throughout the week to remain active and exercise. Whether this is brisk walking or intense sessions in the gym, always make sure that you are remaining active. Remaining stationery in a single position for extended periods of time can have drawbacks such as impaired blood flow.
Your physical health is not the only thing you should be concerned about. Being on the road for so long can take its toll mentally as well. Motivational CD’s or your favorite music can help you take your mind off the task and put your mind at ease.
Truck Driver Life: Utilize Truck Driver Apps
Mobile applications tailored to truck drivers can make your journey a little less frustrating. If you are comfortable with modern technology, you should download apps that will give you data on accidents, making log entries and route finding. This can take away a lot of the pressure that the job demands while reducing paperwork as well.
As you can see, being a truck driver can be challenging, and there are plenty of elements that can change your experience. Utilize these tips, and you will feel much better once you get on the road. Safe traveling!