Feb 18, 2019
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You Survived Winter, What About Truck Driving in Spring?

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Looking for tips on truck driving in spring? There are several things that a truck driver is going to need to think about when they are going to be driving in the spring.

Wiper Blade Tips For Truck Driving in Spring

The first thing is to make sure to replace your wiper blades. This is because if your wiper blades are worn down, then they are not going to be able to clear the water properly from your windshield. Therefore, they are going to hamper your ability to see out of your windshield. If you know that you need new windshield wipers, then you are going to need to replace them as soon as possible.


The second thing is to make sure that you check your lights. When you are trying to drive a big truck, then it is going to be very difficult to see how to drive when it is raining outside. Therefore, you are going to need to check all of the lights on your truck. This is going to be especially true when it comes to the headlights and your turn signals. They are all going to need to be working properly before you head out on the road.


The third thing is to check the pressure in your tires. There is a good chance that your tires are going to become a little bit deflated after you have been driving on them during the winter months. Therefore, you are going to need to make sure that you have enough air in them before you head out on the road. This is the best way to make sure that your truck is going to work as efficiently as possible when you are going to be driving during the spring months.


The fourth thing is to check out the conditions of the road before you get out of the road to see if there is a chance that you are going to experience some bad road conditions. If there is poor weather outside, then there is a good chance that it is going to hide some of the potholes that you might hit or other dangers that you can experience while you are driving. You want to think about these things so that they are not going to creep up on you when you least expect it.


The fifth thing is that you are going to need to be aware of the activities of critters. The animals are going to be a lot more active in the spring months than in the winter months. This is because the weather is starting to warm up and it is allowing the animals to emerge from the deep sleep that they might have been in. Then this is also a time when some of the animals might be trying to mate. This means that you are going to see a lot more animals trying to cross the road and walking along the shoulders of the highway. If you hit a smaller animal with your truck, it is not going to damage your truck but it is going to do a lot of damage to the animal. But if you hit an animal like a deer, then it is going to cause some damage to the truck. This means that you are going to need to be on the lookout for the animals when they are going to be the most active. Most of the time, this is going to be early in the morning or at dusk.


The sixth thing for truck driving is that you need to be aware of the fact that there could be an increase in the number of people who are going to be riding their bicycle. Once the weather starts to warm up a little bit, then there are going to be a lot more people riding their bicycle. When you are trying to drive along the cyclists, then it can mean that when you are trying to make a maneuver, it can be very dangerous for you and the cyclists. Therefore, you are going to need to be a lot more conscious of your surroundings. This is going to be especially true when you are going to be making a right turn. You need to make sure that you have your right hand signal on when you know that there are cyclists on the road. This is because it is going to be hard to see them when you are up in your truck.

Potholes Tips for Truck Driving in Spring

The seventh thing is that you are going to need to think about some of the potholes that might be on the road when you are traveling. This is going to be especially true after the winter months. This is because there is a lot of winter weather that is going to damage the roads. Some of the winter things that can affect the road is the salt and sand that they have to put on the road, ice, and the snow plows that are used on the road. This means that the roads are going to be torn up and uneven. Therefore, you are going to need to watch out for pavement that is uneven. This uneven pavement can damage the shocks and suspension of your truck.

Truck Driving in Spring Means Rain

The eighth thing for truck driving is that you need to be aware of rainy days. Even though spring flowers are going to bring May flowers, it is also going to cause the roads to become very slippery and there might be a lot of flooding. If the roads are slippery, then it can reduce the vehicle’s ability to handle the roads. Therefore, it is going to increase the distance that it is going to take for your truck to be able to stop. This could be up to four or five times the normal stopping distance. If there is flooding or large puddles in the road, then it can limit the amount of traction that you are going to have on your tires. Therefore, there is a good chance that your truck is going to hydroplane in the road. This could also be the case if there is oil that was leaked or other fluids when they become mixed with the rainwater. This is going to cause the driving conditions to become even more slippery.


The last thing is that you need to be aware of when there is a hailstorm. This is because even the small hailstones have a chance of shattering your windshield. It is also going to limit your ability to see the road and the other cars around you. Plus the roads are going to be very slippery.

Read more “Truck Driving and Horrifically Bad Weather

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Driver Tips'n'Tricks
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