Feb 18, 2019
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Truck Driving and Horrifically Bad Weather

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As a truck driver, you know the weather conditions can make driving difficult if not impossible. The weather is something none of us as drivers has control over. When we drive for a living, it can be a blessing to keep track of the weather. When you are out on the road for days on end attempting to make a delivery in another state, you will undoubtedly run into some weather conditions that will make your run difficult. If you are driving in any of the following conditions, it might be best to pull off the road and wait out the storm.

  • Freezing Rain
  • Heavy Snow
  • Strong Wind
  • Dust Storms
  • Hail Storms
  • High Heat
  • Intense Cold
  • Tornadoes
  • Fog

Freezing Rain

Freezing rain means the temperature outside is so cold that when it rains, it freezes as soon as it hits your windshield or the ground. While many drivers are skilled enough to drive in the rain, freezing rain is a special kind of storm. It can turn the road into an ice skating rink in a matter of minutes. If you are out on the road with your load and encounter freezing rain, it might be best to pull off the highway and find a safe place to park and wait out the storm. It is not advisable to wait out the rain on the shoulder of the highway. You might confuse other drivers.

Heavy Snow

Snow in itself can make driving conditions hard. But, when you through in several inches of snow within a few hours, your driving conditions become worse. The visibility during a massive snowstorm can make it impossible to see through the road. If you are out on a run when you encounter heavy snow, it might be best to pull off at a truck stop and wait. These storms do not last long, and you should be able to get back on the road in a few hours.

Strong Wind

There are places within the United States that have strong wind storms. These storms can blow your truck off the road. That is especially true if your load is rather light in weight. When you are driving in a wind storm pull off to a truck stop. You might want to pull between two trucks to ensure your rig is protected against the wind storm.

Dust Storms

Dust storms are a cross between a heavy snowstorm and a high wind storm. These types of storms are popular in the west where there are many deserts. Waiting out a dust storm could mean life and death for you and other motorists. These storms can make it almost impossible to drive. Your dispatch crew might be upset with you, but that should be okay. Pull off to a safe place and wait out the dust storm.

Hail Storms

When there is large hail from a hail storm, it can crack your windshield causing your visibility to become unclear. That is when it is an excellent time to stop driving. Hail storms usually do not last long. They will not set your run back too much. Your dispatcher should not be upset when you notify the dispatcher your stopping and waiting out the storm.

High Heat

There are times during high heat the pavement will be so hot; it can melt the tires right off your truck. There is nothing more dangerous than when you are driving and have a blowout. The damage could be worse when you are truck driving and have a blowout. It might be best to drive after the sun goes out on these days. When the sun sets, the pavement should become cool enough to drive.

Intense Cold

Despite truck driving with a dependable truck such as a Mack, it is best to leave your truck idle throughout intense cold weather. You do not want to get up in the morning and find that your dependable truck will not start.


A tornado can be dangerous for anyone. If you are driving a truck during a tornado, it can be reckless. The reason being is there is not a more dangerous place to be during a tornado than in a motor vehicle. A truck is no exception. To take shelter in a truck during a storm can be difficult. You only have moments to stop the truck and find shelter. If you are on the highway, an overpass might work. By this, we mean that you should pull the truck off to the shoulder of the road under a bridge. Tornados usually have a difficult time getting under an overpass.


The little, hazy fog is okay to drive in. But, dense and thick fog is not going to be easy to drive in. Pull off to the side of the road, like at a truck stop and wait out the fog. It is best to stay safe in all weather conditions. Even if it means your dispatcher will become upset with you.

Be sure to follow “I Am Zeus” on twitter but never driving in bad weather!

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Driver Tips'n'Tricks
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