Jun 2, 2022
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Top Truck Driver Recruiting Trends in 2022

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Top Trends in Truck Driver Recruiting

As the trucking industry continues to struggle with driver shortages, many companies are looking for new driver recruiting methods. Many companies have realized that the traditional recruiting methods aren’t working anymore, and they are looking for new ways to encourage different demographics to get into the industry.

This includes new avenues to advertise job openings, improving programs, and embracing technologies. While initiatives are in place by the current administration to help, trucking company leaders know it’s up to them to find the best methods to encourage new drivers to enter. So, what are some of the trends we can see for industry recruiting this year?

Social Media Referrals

Many in the trucking industry have embraced social media as a recruitment tool. Drivers are sharing their stories on platforms such as Facebook to help draw attention to truck driving as a possible career.

Companies are encouraging drivers to refer friends or family, creating incentive programs for referrals, and many in the industry are using their social media platforms to bring attention to trucking. Drivers can share job postings with people they think would be a good fit, and help their friends understand what the work is like.

This is a great way to introduce the trucking industry to new demographics who may have never considered driving before.

Reaching Out to Younger Generations

Because of regulations that required drivers to be 21 before being able to get their CDL, many potential drivers entered other industries instead of trucking. A new pilot program has been initiated by the current administration allowing younger drivers to enter the industry, if they complete additional training with the company they work for.

If this pilot program succeeds, it will give driver recruitment opportunities to the industry that didn’t exist before. Trucking companies and organizations can reach possible recruits before they have entered another industry, which could help increase the pool of drivers available.

More Women Embracing Driving Careers

Organizations such as Women in Trucking have increased efforts to recruit women to the trucking industry. Representatives of the organization say advertisement efforts have often left women out because there was nothing to help women see themselves as a driver.

One of the initiatives right now is giving women the chance to do a truck driving simulation to get a feel for what the job is like. Job advertisements are also starting to include women in the images and companies are paying more attention to what their current women drivers are saying about changes needed to make women feel more included.

Recruiting Based on Company Fit

Today, more companies are providing different opportunities for those entering the trucking industry. Recruiters and hiring personnel are trying to ensure new hires are a good fit for the company.

This means understanding what type of trucks and loads drivers will feel most comfortable with. It also means determining if a potential hire is more comfortable over-the-road or working regionally, and whether they want to work solo or with a driving partner.

Understanding the driver during the driver recruiting process helps companies and drivers alike find what will work best and allows drivers to turn their job into a career path. Companies are combining these initial screenings with further training, meaning they are working together to put people in the right place.

Finding the Right Driving Job

With new opportunities opening up, and driver recruiting tactics changing to meet these needs, now is a good time to make sure you have the right driving job to fit your needs. It’s partly up to you as the driver to make up your mind what you feel most comfortable with, then ask questions to ensure the offered job will meet your expectations.

Are you looking for a new opportunity? Check out the job postings to find the position that works best for you.

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Driver Business
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