Aug 7, 2020
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Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Michael Shipman Donates KN95 Masks to Small Fleets

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Michael Shipman Donates KN95 Masks to Small Fleets


Infinit-I Workforce Solutions proudly introduces Michael Shipman. Michael is an account executive with Infinit-I. He spends his days bringing in new businesses and overseeing renewals. His favorite part of the job, he tells us, is going out to visit the fleets.

At Infinit-I, we aim not only to provide stellar service, but also to build true relationships with our clients. By getting to know our clients, we can better understand their needs. That’s how we drive you to success.

As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, Michael began researching different ways to support his clients. As face masks were becoming scarcer, several smaller trucking companies were struggling to get their hands on any.

The Challenge

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Michael has worked hard to build relationships with each of his clients. He sees his role not only as Account Executive, but also as a supportive player in the continuity of their business. The pandemic presented new challenges, however, in limiting the amount of face time with clients which he had become accustomed to.

Michael recognized this as a major issue. And as mass panic grew, it because increasingly difficult for truckers to perform their job duties. They were denied bathrooms and showers. They had to go hungry as fast-food restaurants closed their dining area.  Some were forced to sit on a load for weeks due to overwhelmed warehouse workers and piled up inventory.

The Motivation

Back in May, you couldn’t find masks, hand sanitizer, or gloves in any retail store. Even Amazon, the biggest retail store of all, was on backorder. America’s front-line workers were being dealt an injustice, especially if they couldn’t obtain the proper equipment, namely PPE.

That’s when Michael decided to step in and do something. He began searching for the needle in the haystack of medical supplies, face masks. The first struggle was, in fact, finding any available masks that he could get his hands on. Since they weren’t available in stores, he took a different route.

The Deal

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The plan was simple, but the means were challenging. Thinking creatively, Michael contacted the American Trucking Association, with whom he had built a solid relationship throughout his five years with Infinit-I Workforce Solutions.

Michael explained intentions and desire to our ATA partners. The ATA felt compelled to get involved as well and arranged a deal. Michael was able to purchase face masks from the ATA’s inventory. Because of his dedication to overcome the improbable, he was able to purchase a shipment of face masks.

The Delivery

Since he was working from home at the time, Michael had several boxes of face masks delivered to his home. After counting, sorting, and organizing hundreds of KN95 masks, Michael was ready. Masked and prepared to social distance, Michael hit the road. He visited 8 of his 5-50 truck fleets across the state of Indiana. He took the proper precautions when visiting the terminals, as not to contribute to their exposure risk.

Michael Hunter Transportation“We were trying to help fleets out because a lot of them weren’t able to get the supplies they needed, especially the smaller ones. We wanted to show our support, that we are by their side, and there for whatever they need” – Michael Shipman

You can watch the journey here.

Michael’s advice to those who want to help is simply to get involved. Search the internet for ways to give back to your hometown. Most state trucking associations hold events and drives to support truckers. You can also contact the American Trucking Association for further reference.

Thank you to Michael for your diligent effort in keeping your clients rolling. And thank you to America’s truck drivers. Your sacrifice and dedication to the job keeps us on our feet.

Drive safe and don’t forget to wear a mask. hopes that this article about how Mr. Shipmand Donates KN95 Masks in great detail. Feel free to add your thoughts by leaving us a comment below.

Truck drivers should also check out our free truck driving job postings.

Additional Resources

Top 5 Surprising Ways Lawyers Attack Trucking Companies – Know Your Risk

Chuck Norris Says “Thank You, Truckers!” In This Touching Video

Go Green: How Online Training Saves You Time, Money, and Resources

Increase Fuel Efficiency and Lower Maintenance Costs – Legislation Passed to Improve U.S. Highways

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