Mar 13, 2019
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The Amazing Perks of a Dedicated Truck Run

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Is A Dedicated Truck Run The Right Job For You?

There are many different driver jobs out there in many different places just as there are many different types of driving jobs. It all depends on what you are looking for.

Over The Road vs Dedicated Truck Run

If you are looking for more of a lifestyle on the road then over the road trucking is for you. These jobs are particularly demanding and requires a lot of time on the road. You can count on about 300 days a year of travel. These types of jobs will definitely have an effect on all aspects of your life. You will have very little time for your family and not much time for your any type of relationship. Since you are on the road so much it makes it difficult to maintain any type of personal relationship.

When working over the road you will wake up early and start your day and often are home once every couple of weeks. If you like to travel the open road then this is the job for you. Paying you by the mile you can see a lot of the United States. Most Truckers see about 125,000 miles each year. Imagine the places that you can see traveling! This is going across the US 44 times or from the Canadian border to Mexico border 55.5 times!

Dedicated Truck Runs

Once you have been driving for a while you may get the opportunity to have dedicated truck runs. This means that you run the same routes but are home on Friday and have more time with your family. You are dispatched out the next Monday for another 5 days on the road. With these routes, you are home on the weekends and can be more active in your family life. It is the perfect workalike balance. Often there are many perks to these types of positions,

You can take classes at your local school which will help you to achieve the skills needed to not only pass the written test but to pass the driving test as well. They give you the tools that you need to study. They have classroom material that helps you to learn and retain important safety information to help you start your career off safely. Most schools provide the trucks that you need to practice for testing purposes. They teach you all of the pre-inspection requirements as well as what you need to know on the driving course. With this kind of support, you cannot fail!

  • Bonus
  • High mileage pay
  • Ride policy

These driver jobs are the type of jobs where you can spend quality family time with your loved ones. Average income can be between $55,000 to $75,000 and that is with a bonus. What other jobs will pay you to travel and see the country while spending quality time with your loved ones on the weekends?

Obtaining your CDL License

To be eligible for one of these jobs you must first carry a valid class A CDL License.

This can be obtained a couple of efferent ways.

As a school that specializes in teaching you how to drive a tractor-trailer truck, from the initial point to the drop off of the load.

  • Truck Driving School
  • Learn on your own

If you know someone with a truck you can learn on your own by finding materials and practicing driving in parking lots.

You can take classes at your local school which will help you to achieve the skills needed to not only pass the written test but to pass the driving test as well. They give you the tools that you need to study. They have classroom material that helps you to learn and retain important safety information to help you start your career off safely.

Most schools provide the trucks that you need to practice for testing purposes. They teach you all of the pre-inspection requirements as well as what you need to know on the driving course. They will teach you to drive the truck from the moment you open the truck door. You will learn every aspect of your truck and how to get it from point a to point b safely. All safety points will be covered until you are confident. With this kind of support, you cannot fail!

If it is your dream to become a cowboy outlaw or a king the road as they are sometimes referred then this job is for you. There is much respect to be had for these larger than life vehicles. Truck drivers are what makes our industry move. It gets our groceries it the stores, our produce to the farm stands, it packs all of our discount stores with the merchandise that we buy each and every day. They make the world go round. Without them, there would not be any merchandise for anyone to purchase. Think about where all of your products come from local and far. We would not have anything without truck drivers and their rigs.

Sign Up Today and Work Towards a Dedicated Truck Run

Sign up today for an amazing career that will afford you a new trip every single day to a different location that is completely paid for with bonuses. Travel the country alone or with your significant other a well as the family pet. You will be home on weekends to bond with your extended family or the family you left behind during the week. You will be the kings of the road and provide your local store with the merchandise that is needed to keep America moving! You will not regret the choice you make with this “paid travel” program. Sign up for your extended paid vacation to destinations that you and your spouse have only dreamed of.

INFINIT-I’S CDL Driver Training

All CDL training videos are less than 5 minutes each. Each lesson covers only important information you need to know in order to pass your CDL exam. Additionally, the courses come with interactive practice tests featuring hundreds of test questions taken from the real CDL Exam. 

Sign up for a class today!

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Driver Business
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