Apr 27, 2020
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Professional Truck Drivers Rave About Online Orientation 2021

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Professional Truck Drivers Rave About Online Orientation

Fists to the air in wild approval, professional truck drivers and trucking companies alike have fallen in love with online orientation. Flexibility, intuitive use, and scalability lead professional truck drivers rave about online orientation. Trucking companies love it just as much. The virtues of online education have brought this training to the forefront. Employers enjoy benefits to the training, such as flexibility, intuitive use and documentation, and the ability to scale it as needed. Meanwhile, figures have shown that it increases driver retention with orientation. Drivers like it because of less downtime. They can put rubber to pavement faster.

Fosters a Better Driver Experience

For the truck driver, remote orientation will place you in a self-paced learning environment. Before the driver ever hops behind the wheel of the truck, they will spend time with and bond with team members. The convenience of it puts a big smile on the face of drivers. Most trucking companies will say that their biggest asset comes from its drivers. Your average trucker will decide within the first 72 hours whether they will stay with a trucking company or look for greener grass. Because of that, many trucking companies have had to offer more perks to the best drivers to inspire loyalty.

How to Make Drivers Sing for You

Most drivers don’t want a long and tedious process of training. They want to go straight to work and earn a paycheck. Who can blame them? Details from a report in Stay Metrics uncovered how most truckers feel dissatisfied with the overall process of training. In addition, they don’t remember the instructions the employer gave. Nevertheless, it prepares you for the work done at the company. That alone should highlight its importance.

Still, you do have some cases where truckers felt happy with what they learned when done right. It prepared them for the work ahead, but figuring out how to get them to this point isn’t always easy. You don’t want to increase the turnover rate because of a tedious process. Adjust the program to tailor it to the needs of each driver. In this way, it will set up your best drivers for success.

Benefits to the Company

Employers began to adopt this policy because of how it lowers the amount of time spent in orientation. In general, this training takes anywhere from three to five days, but during that time, companies don’t have them on the road, and they lose money in the training process. Not to mention, the no-shows only pile on to the expenses.

Professional truck drivers rave about online orientation, it lowers the time down to two days, which can save them on costs. Meanwhile, drivers can learn at their own pace, and as they take control of the process, it will heighten their morale. They can complete the task at home. That contributes to improved retention rates and even helps with recruitment.

Why Do Truckers Leave a Company

Through addressing the root of the retention problem, you improve the experience overall. When truckers leave a company, they usually do it because of a poor driver experience. The company’s training process is more tedious than other companies, or they can’t see the value of it when they know other companies offer just as good of benefits. To promote a better driver experience, you will lower how many people quit at the company because they see the value of sticking around.

Effective Use of Assets

You can lower costs and improve driver retention through the better allocation of assets. Look at each driver as an asset. You take care of them, and they will take care of your company. On any given day, most drivers will generate $750 in revenue for companies. Through remote orientation, you put a halt on the overall negative experience of first getting started. You want the truck driver to see the value of what you teach.

They hate downtime as much as you hate it. You might see this new system as a type of competitive advantage because you won’t lose your best drivers right away to trucking companies that can offer a better driver package. Through the correct allocation of resources, you lower the losses and optimize your assets. To be clear, you still need to educate drivers, but you simply do it in a more efficient way.

The Six Key Advantages to drivers

Let’s have a look at the six biggest advantages of remote orientation for drivers and why they clap in approval:

  • Less expensive hotel stays
  • Less bus travel
  • Paid at completion
  • Straight to work
  • Local screening
  • Flexible schedule

Everything gets oriented to the convenience of the driver. You have greater flexibility with this new system, and like with traditional training, you still earn cash upon completion of the training. You can go to work much faster, and you can do it in less time.

Don’t Underestimate the Impact

A lot of companies when they first make the switch from traditional to online underestimate what a difference it makes. Some trucking companies know that it improves the cost savings and streamlines the process. However, they never would’ve guessed how the improved driver experience means that more of them will stick it out through the orientation process. You can cover more material in less time, which lets drivers fast-forward to the job at hand.

Strengthens Litigation

An unspoken benefit that needs mentioning, online orientation strengthens a trucking company’s case for litigation. As a trucking company, accidents on the road are a necessary evil. This can put your company in the crosshairs of an expensive lawsuit because accidents with an 18-wheeler will more often than not either be fatal, or they will have lifelong disability. The plaintiff’s attorneys will ask for evidence of training. They will want to see the training record.

Through the online system, records integrate into a single location, making everything simpler for the litigation with a time stamp. You can access everything in less time, and this strengthens the merits of your case.


Drivers can choose to complete training in the office, at home, or even on the road. With the traditional setup, you typically start on a Monday and everything has a concrete setup. You can’t streamline the process easily. The learning environment could be seen as more friendly to drivers because of how they train at their own pace, and they can complete it faster than what they could in a classroom. The time spent in training doesn’t matter as much as the individual retaining the information.

Why Companies Choose This System

Some worry that online training means that truckers can skip the process altogether-that is not the case. This type of training bases itself on mastery. That means that if the truck driver can’t answer the question correctly, they can’t move on. It bases itself on mastery of the materials for someone to progress.

Companies have chosen this route as well because of the ease of customization. You can customize it in a specific way to fit with your budget, size, or need to get the most from it. Different training modules can be selected for this to tailor the training for a specific need. Over time, the switch to online training has increased tenfold. This trend will most likely continue into the foreseeable future as more trucking companies see the advantages of a switch to this new system. When you focus on improving the driver experience, you will often find that you have a better business in general. hopes that this article addresses how Truck Drivers Rave About Online Orientation in great detail. Feel free to add your thoughts by leaving us a comment below.

Truck drivers should also check out our free truck driving job postings.

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